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Timothy Allen Campbell
The driest sense of humor ever or just saying? He is right on about the nation's obsession with Kohberger. I was composing my own rant about the stupidity of desperate "journalists" and media to keep the Kohberger balloon in the air and NewsNation - which claims to offer unbiased news but has Banfield - awash with emotions meant to prejudice any viewer. But then I saw this. I no longer click on any YouTube videos from Newsnation. Shame on media that goes against our Innocent Until Proven Guilty. It's one thing for YouTubers who live for clicks - which might translate into income - and people who are PAID JOURNALISTS, professionals, to be leading the way towards a pre-trial indictment.
Of all the YouTube True Crime videos I watched regarding this upcoming trial - and it could be a couple years - Surviving the Survivor is the most professional.
Check out his other videos such as the one about Miranda Rights.
Remember YOU might be the next person arrested - be you innocent or guilty - who might have your life ruined by the media.