

"Stop this and we can still be friends," I told Micky. 

That was me knowing life's a bitch and then you die, said in a spirit of generosity. I meant it, there was art in our friendship, but she didn't stop. She was having an affair with a man not her husband, irresponsibly, and she'd recently told me the two of them were including me into their fantasy.

To explain to others what appeared to be my sudden departure from her life, but had been a long sad realization on my part that Micky was using me and didn't care about my reputation, she lied some more. 

She called it "making something up" and I suspect she had been doing so since childhood. She felt no guilt. She shrugged. She was going to do whatever she wanted and get away with it even if it was a horrible way to treat a person who'd believed in you - your work - your writing - and had participated in a genuine friendship.

I felt relieved to be freeing myself from an entanglement not at all to my making or liking. I didn't want these two screwing with thoughts of me in their heads. To me that was Black Magic. It was absolutely not OK with me.

After a while, after she had not stopped, the phone rang a hundred times that I know about. 

Hang up calls.


I got a message from her boy brother telling me I had been insensitive.  What did he know? I'm sure not the truth. Vague rumors of bisexuality or repressed homosexually were also in his aura. What had she said to him about me to enlist his pity? 

I decided not to use the word "girlfriend" any more as it could be misunderstood in Los Angeles.

I didn't call him back.


I met Micky at a poetry reading before I burned out on that scene.

Reading her wet lines to an audience that included a smiling cat of a husband who was always using nip, you would have assumed she was enjoying the best sex with him and he knew it. Her poems encouraged everyone to be more daring, self revealing, and sexy as writers but were based on the fantasies of a sex starved woman who was interested openly in males and secretly in females.

What an imagination.

Micky was one of the most creative woman I've ever known. 

I don't know if she knew her survival required constant invention but after a year, I did. 

Seems the black and white Lucy Show reruns were on her television set whenever I visited and she watched as if she were taking a master class in getting around a husband. 

How had so much intelligence and artistic talent and beauty come to this?

She'd laugh, knowing what was coming next on that show.

Her lips glistened her words as they left her mouth. 


Micky was the neglected wife of a husband whose life philosophy was to stay in the denial of a constant high on pot. He loathed reality and mixed it up with the threat of an overdose of got-lemons-make-lemonade. He was always smiling. Nothing was going to get him down. Retreating into his role of provider, he preferred dumb. 

He was not interested in sex, not with her, not in years. He couldn't imagine she had needs besides money.

He was a good provider and she could count on that. 

There were always rumors with no reference, such as that they had an "arrangement." They did. Unsaid.

She was told by her parents that she was lucky she didn't need to bring in income. Lucky to have him. Her parents put all their money on their boy. Their boy expected the marriage to last. Their boy went to college while she had a boss who tossed her to clients. It was a sex, drugs, and rock and roll lifestyle that ended in a celibate marriage.


I'll tell you how to prevent your daughter from ever being Micky. Love your girl. See her potential. Raise her knowing her own value. Give her the strength of an education and foundation - some basis for ethics and morals. The Golden Rule. 


Her sins of surviving a marriage were like a twelve car pile up on the 405 - hard to figure who did what but full of permanent injury. You know you shouldn't look but also you can't help yourself - you look. 


For the hell of it, I courageously sent a poem into a tiny time chap book publisher who was soliciting entries (first publication rights only) and was surprised when it was accepted. I'd written the poem on a high tide afternoon in Malibu that I'd spent watching surfers from a perch on a cliff. 

Micky called me and was faking a conversation on her end to be overheard by her husband, suggesting we two drive to the publication reading and spend the weekend away but what she was trying for was a weekend away with her lover. Her script confused me. What the hell?!

I went alone.

Some time after that I went over to her place to work on an art project and found it curious that her husband was actually not smiling but sitting at their table holding a check book, his thumb repeatedly ruffling the pages while he glared at me to make a point. I pretended not to notice.

Like the previously written about woman friend who was using me as an excuse for where she was and to account for gifts she bought for a lover, Micky was also. That's why when it became glaring obvious that I was no longer around she spun more web.

This situation, I eventually learned, was worse than the last. Micky wasn't buying a men's wallet for her lover at Macy's. She was spending hundreds of dollars. She was buying cocaine and abortion.


There are so many things I've never experienced. 

I'm so glad.

And, Oh! It is not true that you have to have experiences so you can write about them.

C 2021

Notes: A few years ago I learned that Micky, having secured a max of social security and half the assets, did divorce. I so hope she's found peace and real love and is making art.



For years, the first week in January, I did my taxes. I would do an accounting of all my bills, what I had spent. That January I realized I could no longer be friends with Daphne. I had spent a half weeks pay, money I very much needed, calling her across town, long distance, because I was the kind of person who returned calls when someone, even a flaky someone, called me and left a message. I said I would on my message. So honorable!

Daphne and I had an intact friendship when we lived a canyon apart. She lived not far from work so we got together after. 

Then her parents bought her a condo at a real estate auction and she moved to the South Bay. 

We made one plan after another and time and time again she cancelled at the last minute. She never said she was sorry or acknowledged that we had a plan or said the world cancel. Instead she'd say that her parents were waiting for her or that the mysterious "Bud" was on his way over. "Gotta Go!" she'd exclaim.

Or - most ludicrous - she'd coo with warmth - "We'll get together soon, I promise!'

I didn't like being put aside for Bud.

She didn't like Bud. 

They were all involved in trying to sell real estate. If you want to be cancelled on, involve yourself with someone selling real estate.

Bud was always promising to cut her in. It was clear she couldn't afford to assert herself with the man. She'd call and say he came over but poo he didn't give her any money. Give, not pay. 

She told hilarious stories though some were mortifying. Bud had a fart problem and when he let one out everyone could smell, he'd make a face and look around for the real culprit, usually her.

He was crude and embarrassing but he was going to cut her in.

Bud wasn't it.

One call, she never had anyone to date. Next call she'd just been on a Date From Hell. She was taking an emotional beating. Some really were, really bad men you'd put a curse on, if only you knew how. Others, simply Wrong.

Date From Hell. 

Date From Hell!

Date From Hell?

If you think I grew to hate Daphne, you're wrong. I admired her for hanging in there. She had terrible struggles and I suspect had developed her sense of humor to get through a life that brought tragedy. I still laugh about stories she told as a naturally gifted storyteller who knew how to build suspense and then let you in to the ending. Stories about real estate agents getting drunk and having sex in bathrooms at parties; so European!

I went over to see her at her condo and see the infamous bathroom. 

"They walked out like noone could hear them. Like noone had to pee the whole time they were in there. I don't know what they did. The shower curtain was in the tub. Eeewwe."

We laughed till tears sprang and our tummys hurt then laughed some more.

Daphne was sexy without ever dressing provocatively or moving to attract attention. She got asked out at art galleries. She got asked out at the market in the frozen food section.

Her social skills were terrific. She'd dated celebrities - more stories - who had cut a decade off his age - who needed glue for his wig. 

She was artistic and educated. Smart and wise in her way. But Daphne was held hostage by money, her parents money, her step father's money, if she'd get an inheritance or her mother would give it all to her new gay dance partner that let her grind on him, or maybe it would all go to her cousin with all her improbable babies, or maybe her parents would finally help her network her way into marriage with a politician or some rich man would "take her" off their hands."

Meanwhile, I was a overworked worker. I couldn't afford Daphne in my life. I got to that point where I was not willing to make another plan with her. 

I finally got it about Bud. Yes, he got leads from her. Maybe he did cut her in and pay her some of the time, but she was involved with him way more than she'd admit to herself or candidly to me, until someone better came along. He gave her money to go buy herself something pretty, while her parents paid her mortgage. She could not afford to support herself in the manner to which she was accustom.

C 2021



The phone rang.

"Christine, could you put my wife on," he demanded, not wasting words.

"She's not here," I said, not wasting any either.

"She said she was."

"She's not here. I don't know where she is."

We hung up. He had misunderstood. So I thought.

They were boy and girl next door and married young. 

I wasn't the last to know. He was. She wanted out. She was having an affair.

Immature. Badly Raised. Gossip. Trouble Maker. Missing Something. User. 

These were terms used to explain Doreen to me by others.

I don't know what I would've said if she'd asked me to cover for her. She hadn't.

She was drinking after work and with the other man. Coming home to her clean living LDS husband late and with boozey breath, claiming she was out with me while I was at home alone, eating my chili and grilled cheese and reading a book. 


She bought her new man gifts on their charge cards. She said they were for me. Was she kidding? Macy's men's wallets?

She took the flowers he brought her home from work and said they were part of a display struck on Friday. 

She wanted to get caught. Trouble was exciting.

Her never married lover asked her to marry him. She had her out. If only he could get a better job, she said. So he got one, risking the loss of tried but true. He was heartbroken when she broke with him and kept the little diamond - his life savings. He went back to another state from where he'd been raised, nothing left for him in California.

How shocked she must have been when her quick acting husband sold their house sans profit, paid off her charges, gave her the car and a couple thousand cash, removed her name from his life and medical insurance, dropped her possessions off at her mother's, signed the divorce, moved to Orange, started his own business, and married someone he just met - in mere months. Wasn't he supposed to beg her back, buy her presents, prove he loved her?

She was terrified of living alone in an apartment she could afford.

Of course she remarried. Was he the man who won the fist fight over her that she managed to produce at a party in the Hollywood Hills?


C 2021



I've had a "buy local and in person" attitude for years. It's more difficult than ever to start or keep a shop and I want to support local and privately owned business. I head for the coffee house, restaurant, or boutique owned by an individual or a couple locals over a chain store or corporation.

I got my Economic Stimulus money and decided I'd spend a small part of it on clothes.

I'd avoided going anywhere unnecessary to the point of near insanity (Ok, I'm exaggerating but it felt that way at times) due to the plague and had put a year's wear on all my clothes. And yes, despite daily walks, trying lots of new recipes had created a little difficulty in zipping up.

I ventured out to buy underwear and cotton tops and a pair of pants.

The boutique I first thought of had gone out of business. Other stores closed, no signs of life.

I went into Ross Dress For Less and it looked bare. They also had a Security staff, wearing signage that said Security, all over the store. Has the store been badly thieved?

One of them, a young woman, was watching me so intently and obviously, if I'd been there to shoplift, I'd been nervous. "It looks wiped out," I said to her.

"We're in the process of restocking," she said.

I looked in a mirror and could see me. I looked rumpled and uncoordinated. I hadn't bothered to dress fashionably to shop for clothes.

She called me mam. "Come back on Friday, when we get a shipment, mam."

Had I degraded?

I'd cut my own hair after being quoted $25 for a one inch trim. I'd stopped wearing any cosmetics, not even tinted sun screen. I had no jewelry on, nothing to suggest status. I use a backpack, more of a schoolgirl backpack than a wilderness kit. 

I took to using a backpack a few years ago. I suppose that's suspicious.

I found that a backpack kept weight even and I no longer had to keep switching a big satchel from one shoulder to the other, that using one left my hands free to hold onto my dog's leash and walk her with ease. My backpack was especially good for packing groceries without having to buy a bag.***

There was absolutely nothing at Ross that appealed to me. I noticed the tops I saw were made in China. That was repeated absolutely everywhere I went. Not good.

"Oh, yea, there are cargo ships waiting to come in, backed up all the way down the coast from San Diego to the Port of Los Angeles," a friend said. "Incoming from China."

"So much for American jobs," I said.

After several trips out I bought a pack of underwear. An "American" brand, Made in China. And a couple of tops, because they fit and the color was right, from Big Five, also Made in China.


Whatever happened to pants? Everywhere I went there were only two types, skinny leggin-like jeans with ugly, improbable rips, a trend that has gone on far too long because it only looked good on a few men who earned their rips, not via hammer, and they were muscled men, that trend is at best a teenage girl look. 

Or I could try overly fat "mom" jeans. I guess when a person becomes a mom they earned the right to be more modest and comfortable.

I went home and got on line. I didn't want leggings, skinny, denim, stretch denim, dropped waist (fat belly exposing), fat legs, or beachy cropped, pants. I know the fashion industry changes pants enough each year that the savvy can look at my pants and call out the year they were made. I wanted black, straight legs, made of cotton mostly, something that can substitute for dressy or business in a pinch, not athletic wear, not tight in the rear.

I surveyed my closet, unable to determine just how long I'd had things in it. I'm not much of a thrift store shopper because you normally can't try anything on. Now none of the stores were allowing try ons. Not being able to try on clothes is to me one of the negatives of online ordering.

"You risk things not looking at all like the pictures," my friend warned.

So I thought, maybe I'm so far out of it that I'll never get back in. I hadn't been in a library in a year - all closed - to even page through a Vogue. I know that fashion in Vogue trickles into stores like Target or Walmart in some way. Usually in color trends. 

I failed at buying local or American.

The trend to destroy American jobs began before the pandemic. It's all tied into the notion of "jobs Americans won't do." You will find that notion is used as a way of union busting or preventing unions from forming, exporting jobs and manufacturing, and for illegal immigration to being tolerated.  (I know this opinion takes into account both Republican and Democratic notions.)

So, I made myself promise me that for every new item I purchased, I would throw out or donate one item. 

What will our economy look like and when? 

C 2021

*** In order to, supposedly, prevent plastic bags from polluting, we now have to BUY paper bags at stores, it buy heavier "reusable" plastic or bring our own. It's bullshit. Cashiers are no longer tasked with having to produce a store bag and fill it. Stores are not giving you a bag for your purchase for free.





When have you had a visceral reaction such as skin crawling, throwing up, or a sudden massive headache to a person or in a situation? Who. What. Where. When.

(Maybe this writing exercise will clear you or bring back the sensation.)

Christine Trzyna 

This exercise is part of a series of writing exercises and to bring up the whole series use the tag Christine Trzyna Writing Workshop. 

C 2018-2025  Christine Trzyna

All Rights Reserved including Internet and International Rights
OK to use this post in not for profit situations. Please credit me. Send me love.  It's karma.



Imagine my surprise when one day I was browsing the stacks at a LAPL and found a book that had been written by an ex friend of mine and learned she was publicly speaking to other women on how to follow in her footsteps and grow their own businesses. She traveled afar to inspire and encourage. She sold this book at seminars.

That this book was on the shelf of even one LAPL meant that someone in her family had prevailed with a librarian downtown. You didn't just send books out to branches and expect them to get on shelves. Downtown had to approve. 

I had trusted this woman and her partner. I had become a friend of her family. I was well aware of their prosperity. Her parents were world travelers. Their living room was the size of some people's houses. Their sofa cost as much as a car. When someone had a birthday they went to a five star restaurant and booked a private dining room.

They'd paid out thousands in college tuition. And in front of me they said they wanted to buy her a condo as part of her eventual inheritance and to save her from throwing money away on rent. Someday she would inherit millions. 

She went out to eat most nights because she never learned to cook. When the doggy bags in the fridge started to mold her mom sent over her maid.

Her parents had earned a fortune honestly coming from humble beginnings. But her dad didn't want to invest in what he considered to be an unworkable business idea-hers. She had emotionally blackmailed him/them for not giving her start up capital. She cut them off and I was expected to support that effort by shunning the invitations that kept coming. I complied.

She, her partner, and her partner's parents had then pulled what we used to call "a rash of shit" on me.

I checked out the book.

There are books that you savor, a plate of wine and cheese aside. Then there are books that, if you're a drinker, drive you to it. Too bad I barely drink. 

I cracked open the book and almost immediately read between the lies.


I had met characters like this before in business. They so greatly exaggerated their youthful hardship and hard work to improve their improbable rags to riches story.

One multimillionaire I met at an event spun the web that he had started in Philadelphia selling pencils from a tin cup while riding around on a bicycle. 

Hey. I'll tell you why I'm not rich. One year I was expected to sell chocolate mint candy, the next light bulbs, in order to remain in good standing at my high school. Then I sold yearbook patronages door to door.

Another man I worked with would put on a sad smile for himself and tell how he grew up living over a chicken shack. The way he described it, you could hear clucking and see feathers flying around in the air. People would wait till he left and then another man would shake his head no and say,  "I grew up near him and there were no chickens. He was middle class."

But those men, who believed their own PR, hadn't been using their fiction to sell empowerment workshops.

My ex-friend had been unfairly fired from a job by a woman who fired a series of women because they were too smart and she feared they'd steal her business just as she had stolen the business from her employer. 

Out of work, she started attending seminars on how to buy and turn over real estate and considered walking the hot coals to overcome fear with Tony Robbins. Many women are motivated to have their own businesses by dastardly employers.

But when I read, to paraphrase, "I never thought I could overcome my poverty and ever be a homeowner," yes I thought I'd start with Bacardi Rum and Coke.

Then there was the Hollywood Women PR. More like Hancock Park and Fairfax District, but OK, people in other countries think anyone living in Los Angeles County is from Hollywood. Worth the sugar shock of a Jim Beam Whiskey Sour.

They had found an investor. I can't say for sure why they were so secretive about who. They said, "We're like the Chinese. We don't tell our business secrets." So I thought The investor is Chinese. But it was someone found on muscle beach who wanted to be kept secret.

I decided to drop in on them. They were visibly alarmed to see my face. It was clear to me that they had little to no inventory, there were no customers there, and the phone wasn't ringing. So why were they sitting there all day doing nothing behind desks waiting? Why wasn't one of them trying to cold call? Oh yea, it was a start up, but they didn't follow through on the leads I brought them in good faith. So, what was really going on? Maybe loosing money was a tax advantage for the investor?

Smirnoff Vodka Screwdriver anyone?


I think my ex-friend made more money promoting herself as a woman business owner who could lead the way than in that business. In fact the networking at these workshops is probably what brought in business.

Have you ever drunk through the layers of a Subterranean Bombshell?

C 2021




What's it like like to be DESPERATE ?

Absolutely no one likes to admit to desperation but absolutely everyone experiences it. So remember that this workshop doesn't insist you show your work to anyone. 

Write about a time in your life when you wanted or needed desperately.

Just kick off the covers and get down to your humanness.

Why were/ are you desperate?

How did/do you feel?

What did/will you do?

If you are one of the few who has never ever experienced desperation, I don't believe you, but try to imagine it. Imagine a character who is desperate. Then write. 

Christine Trzyna

This exercise is part of a series of writing exercises and to bring up the whole series use the tag Christine Trzyna Writing Workshop. 

C 2018-2025  Christine Trzyna 
All Rights Reserved including Internet and International Rights
OK to use this post in not for profit situations. Please credit me. Send me love.  It's karma.



By now you know that I've had a number of friends through the years that were or became mentally ill. These people challenged my notions of what friendship should be and how much to tolerate. I, as a person in a culture that has become more sophisticated (and for better and worse, labeling) about mental illness, have tried to both understand them and avoid being too hard on them. I realize I have taken compassion and loyalty too far in some cases.

However, in recent months I was reminded of something my mother advised when similar words came out of the mouth of Nancy Pelosi. Accused of hating President Donald Trump, she said in so many words that she was a Catholic and didn't hate him, she just hated what he did.

It's not always so easy.


The long unintended months of Covid-19 plague lock downs have given me more time to think about these subjects, to recall various personalities. Here is the story of someone whose personality disorder sent me into research mode. 

Let's call him Willy since there are no Willy's presently in my life.

Not long before we met, Willy had suffered a terrible and sudden unexpected financial blow through no fault of his own which threatened to demolish his livelihood and throw him into the street. He was even ripped off by a liquidator he hired to recoup what he could. 

He had a great number of friends he'd known for years longer than me to contact and reach out to, people I didn't know. Most proved to be Fair Weather friends. Therefore he accepted the offer of friends out of state to come live with them in exchange for work that had value around their property. He was in shock and grief for loss and naturally afraid but seemed to be carrying on the best he could. Our last meeting was tearful though not huggy. He said he was afraid to go but also afraid of what might happen to him if he didn't. 

I understood.


There's something uncanny the way Synchronicity or Coincidence or Fate or Something has informed me through the years. Though it wasn't always an instant understanding. Numerous times I've been in the right place at the right time to witness or hear a bit of information I didn't necessarily want to know but should know. 

This was the case with Willy. 

We met at a restaurant before he left. He said he'd call before he hit the road. He did not. He had called me briefly from a noisy gathering to wish me a Merry Christmas - I didn't know where from. I thought he had left, just gotten on the road unable to take more goodbyes and drove east.

Weeks later, when he should've been gone, I saw him outside his vehicle near a college campus not far from where I lived. He was talking to a young woman, much younger - no doubt a student. She had a very unique look and long blond hair. I was just passing in another vehicle. So for all I knew she was just passing by him on the sidewalk and said hello. So. He had not left after all. Ahmmm.

Eventually Willy did leave town. He sent a message from the other state. Everything was to his liking. It sounded like he'd made a good decision and had made a mutually beneficial barter. 

Then one day I met a friend for coffee. Her sister was there too. This coffee meeting at once had a serious tone to it. My friend said, "We were in a grocery store and we saw your friend with this blond woman and it was obvious they were - you know - canoodling. We should have told you weeks ago but were afraid to upset you." 

I had a few Platonic male friends and I first thought they meant a different new friend, a man who had inherited a house and a million and sometimes took me to lunch - not too much going on there. I shrugged. So?

No. They assured me it was Willy. The store was near the college campus. Although Willy and I were not a couple, my friend's concern for me had a strange effect on me. I went to the bathroom, a wave of nausea hit me, and I threw up.


My sense that Willy could not be trusted grew. But was I being fair?

For about a year I continued my long distance contact with Willy. I admit I was making a bit more effort than he was. I cared about him and I knew he had no family and had to make a go of it. I was curious to know what it was like to adjust to a different culture after decades in Southern California. I called him.

He seemed to be content, healing, busy, even happy. He sat in their garden and hummingbirds flew around him - a good omen. He said his friends had tried to matchmake him. He never mentioned having left a girlfriend behind. But one day on the phone he made light of a problem that was weighing me down. I felt it was my turn to be cared about. Was he oblivious? High on life? I got frustrated with him. I thought our friendship had run its course. I wished him well. I /we stopped communicating.


Several years passed and then one day there he was, back in town, he said for a few months already. He was looking to reconnect with his old friends and looking for work. I was one of the old friends now.

I felt more wary this time around. I wasn't sure how much information he owed me but I wondered if he had a secret life. Ok. Everyone (probably) has a secret internal life but I mean involvements I might not be comfortable with. Such as, I didn't want any psycho (ex?) girlfriends of his having an issue with me. He had mentioned once being stalked by such a person who had even broken his windshield. 

What about that blond? 

Especially because one day as I was walking in a park, I saw his vehicle parked and I saw the much younger woman with a very unique look and long blond hair. She turned around, looking exasperated. She walked away and I saw it was from him. I thought, "She cares about him. She's trying to help him. He's just rejected some suggestion." I thought that he had probably looked her up too when he got back. Or maybe they'd been in contact all the years gone by. Was she perhaps the mysterious "friend" of his from Santa Clarita he had once mentioned? Would he ever tell me about her? Was it any of my business?

Willy was around.

Eventually we exchanged phone numbers. One day he asked me if I could stow a couple of beautiful chairs at my place "for a couple weeks" until he sold them. He was downsizing. He needed an expensive repair on that vehicle.

I agreed. 

Unfortunately, I came to feel that this was a manipulative move on his part. Until he brought the chairs over, he didn't know where I had moved. He wanted to hang out at my place. He came over to share a meal and watch a film on Sunday night.

This became a routine. I had the money to buy food while he went without work. He seemed to be wasting away on a plant based diet but ate chicken when I cooked it. I served heaping portions of food. I send him home with leftovers. I liked to cook.

I enjoy working alone and without interruption for hours but am not a true loner. On Sunday evenings I just wanted to relax before the week began again. I was open to company.

But came the day when I asked him if he would help me clean up. I did shopping and cooking and clean up. He brought groceries once in a while but had never offered to cook or clean. His response, "I couldn't possibly clean a kitchen that's not immaculate," was just the beginning of his increasingly notable resistance to show appreciation by doing a little something to help me when I needed help. He wasn't offering so I started to ask. He claimed a bad back when I needed to get an old television and sofa out to the street for pick up. I'd never heard of this bad back before. Did he not swim laps at the gym most days? But OK. Maybe he'd recently had back pain.

When I asked him to help me rearrange some things in the spare room where his chairs sat, he managed to break a large casserole dish that should have been almost indestructible in a room with a thick padded carpet! I didn't see it happen but this casserole was precious to me and there it was in half.

Another time he came over sick. He was pale white. I wondered if I might have to call an ambulance. Was he going to die on my sofa? Whatever it was, I didn't catch it. I thought an infection was raging in him.

When he felt better he got snarky. I watched him break the thermometer I'd brought out so he could check his temperature. It was quick and deliberate. I thought, "So he breaks things."

He started claiming he would rather "just talk" instead of watching the DVDs I'd brought home but over time I realized he didn't mean to learn more about me. He talked about himself. He dismissed any talk about the past, saying "the past is over and doesn't matter any more." This blocked conversations we probably should've had. At the time I didn't realize that blocking conversation can sometimes be a form of verbal abuse. And he did select stories about his past to tell me. A youthful marriage. A father who stole a girlfriend. A stepmother his own age who wouldn't let him in the house. His mother dying alone thousands of miles away. He'd had a lot of woman. He was catching up with them, one by one. He found them on social media. They were mostly divorced. They mostly got the houses.

The past he dismissed was our past relationship. We'd pretend to be Existential.


He ridiculed my dog simply because she liked to circle three times before she sat. He had to know, as someone who had dogs, this was a natural dog behavior and is what dogs do in the wild to tamper down grass to create a bed. I shrugged and said. "She's a dog." (If I had to choose I'd select that dog over him.) Why did we spend no time at his place? Because he had a cat my dog wanted to eat. He switched to disliking her grooming. He knew I groomed her. 

Pick. Pick. Pick.


One day he mentioned that my complexion "used to be pink." It was a put down, a commentary.

Dig. Dig. Dig.


One Sunday night after listening to him talk about how years before he had ridden his motorcycle miles every night to see a girlfriend, I said the obvious. "It's always all about you!"

He blurted "No. It's all about you!" 

His voice echoed. I thought my neighbors had gone silent. I had.

I knew this was false. I couldn't recall when he'd asked me about me. I contemplated how reflexive his retort. 

The next time he called to see about dinner, I asserted myself. "I picked up a film I really want to see, so as long as you want to see it, you can come over."

He agreed, came over, and then vetoed the film, saying he had already seen it. 


"I know what I do," he snapped one time when I casually mentioned a habit he had that cost him money. He wasn't going to apologize or change.


An outside salesman, a man of good character who worked aside another salesman with a bad character (but who knew how to turn on the charm for clients) once explained people to me.

"People don't change much unless they want to. Once they get into their forties - fifties I find all that's left to do is love them as they are."


Had Willy been so contradictory and obnoxious before he'd left town years before?


My complexion had never been pink. I tan. I'm yellow.


What the hell was wrong with Willy?

I suspected Willy did want to be loved, if not personally by me, then in general. He might have thought that if he showed Warts and All and was still welcome to share Sunday night dinner, then I loved him.

But I think Unconditional Love is for innocent babies.

Forget it.

There had been years before a moment in time where I thought that if he were not leaving town maybe "more" could happen between us and that I could love him as a man but now he wasn't likeable as a human. And we were not companionable.

He wished to dominate our hours together. I wasn't waiting on him hand and foot but he clearly wanted to be served as a guest rather than show he could be a partner.


I have a philosophy. 

We sometimes take more from someone than we can give  -  without intending to never pay back. Sometimes it's our turn to give without expectation of pay back. Sometimes it's not me or you keeping accounts, it's God. Who else sees every side to a situation? There are times when I give senselessly and it's not just about helping a particular person. It's because there's someone else I owe who has senselessly given to me. You can't always pay back the exact person you owe but you can Play It Forward, moving the favors, spreading them around, making the world a better place.


Just when I thought it was enough time already to put into a friendship that wasn't feeling friendly, Willy surprised me. He said he thought it was time that he came over twice a week.

I said I did not want to commit to being home.

I had just gone through several weeks of Willy breaking a promise to me. He had said that, because of all those dinners I'd made, he was going to take me to any restaurant I wanted - all I had to do was choose. I chose a restaurant and, just like with the DVDs, he managed to veto one restaurant idea after another. Was I supposed to guess his preference and choose it?

I began to think back to other things he'd said he'd do or we would do - the list is longer than what I've mentioned here. Did he like to disappoint? Was he always waiting for someone else or a better offer to come along? Was he leading me on? Why? Was it inability or insincerity to follow through?

Did he not realize his own behavior?

Was he really just too screwed up?

You read the title of this post.

More than once we had gone somewhere and seemed to have a good time but at the end of our time together he'd shifted mood, was grumpy or inappropriate, said something to end on a sour note. So I'd stopped making plans to go places with him.

One time he got upset when I ran into a public bathroom and took too long. He accused me of "abandoning" him.

Perhaps it was his insinuating that I shouldn't trust my writing partner (for no good reason) or that he heard I was into Black guys (with all the stereotypical implications), or that he "wondered" where I went every day (Was he showing up during the day without calling ahead?) or made some other comment that wasn't a question but provocation, that made me feel increasingly uncomfortable. 

Bait. Bait. Bait.


I hit the books, so to speak, trying to figure him out. Sure he was self centered and domineering. Was this his version of "masculinity?" Or was it Narcissistic?

But that was not all. He was on automatic to go against just about anything. If I said a Yes, he had No. If he said a Yes, he himself changed to a No. We were going to go. We didn't go. We had a good time. No we didn't. I want to spend less time. We should spend more.

I settled on OPPOSITIONAL DEFIANT PERSONALITY DISORDER, ODD, described as usually a phase of some adolescents, usually boys. It could be not macho but a defense of ego. Whatever, he had been stuck in early adolescence for decades. His parents were long gone. 


One weekend I was especially tired.  He called me on a Saturday night when I'd gone to bed early. I'm sure he could hear it in the sound of my voice. When I was hanging up without a mention of Sunday night dinner, he demanded, "You're not having me over for dinner tomorrow?" I said no. I said I thought I might spend all Sunday in my pj's. He wasn't cool about it.

Months after the two weeks the chairs were still there. I needed to make room. I had to ask him to find another place for them. He came to get them and cursed and raged at me. He had never before. It was the beginning of the final end of any friendship between us. 

Now I actually began to feel afraid of him. Thoughts started going through my head like, "How do I end this friendship and not make him mad?" Not good.

He did find another friend to take the chairs to. A psychiatrist who told him he needed to see someone but it couldn't be him!


I came out of a store to see him playing with my dog who I'd tied up outside so I could dash in. He used the moment to tell me old friends of his were coming into town for Thanksgiving dinner and I was not invited.

He never called me again.


A friend of mine suggested that Willy was actually quite physically ill, that he might be going without medical treatment for prostate cancer. She said "Cranky Old Man Syndrome" was part of that. He did seem to be loosing weight and muscle tone. He was about half the size he'd been a few years earlier. He had some other symptoms of that disease as well. He'd warned me not to bring it up so I knew he'd considered it. I knew he had become Vegan and an anti-vaxer. He didn't go to the doctor. He had wondered aloud about who might bury him. Perhaps in contacting women from his past what he was doing was saying goodbyes. 

He'd been desperate.

I understood.


One day months after our Sunday dinners had ceased, I stepped up to the check out desk at the library when suddenly there were two men next to me. Willy, rather than perhaps wait until I was done with my transaction with the clerk and follow me out and say a few words, had run over and lunged towards me on the right, interrupting. On the left side of me stood a security guard, an off duty police officer making extra to guard the library, glaring at Willy. Seeing me surprised, Willy immediately asked me if I was going back to my house, letting the officer know he was quite familiar with me. So the man backed off. That was street smart. I felt upset when I realized this officer had been watching and thought I was in danger. That day I finished with the clerk and left, leaving Willy behind. 

Come What May. 

C 2021

July 2021  I learned, as I seem to, that he died about this time in July 2018.  Unfortunately as a victim of violence.



While a Mormon told me I needed to Get God and took me to a party that got a little witchy, a man who self identified as a witch told me I needed to Get The Goddess. Same difference, I thought.


Very basically, in anthropology, Religion is defined as "a way of life."


Anthropology of Religion was a favorite subject of mine in school. A text book for the 101 class was called Conformity and Conflict.


I think it's interesting that Christianity has had such a long run. I'd think that, in their deepest heart of hearts, Jesus' message of Love invigorated people. I wish the spread of Christianity were a long unbloody run, not tied in with politics and power struggles. If Jesus was a pacifist certainly none of the slaughter in his name would have occurred because He would never have approved. (And that includes the war between Catholics and Protestants.) Therefore the history of this Religion in that the followers of Jesus have a war mentality.  Listening to the wording "Prince of Peace."


I personally identify with Christianity - Jesus - as a Hindu would, so I think. Because I realize - and this realization became more profound in my recent reengagement - that most Christians wouldn't consider me Christian - I don't call myself "a Believer." (I tried to though. I really tried.)

Jesus as avatar. As enlightened master.

As spiritual explorer in Northern India, learning to heal. Saint Issa.


It seems to me, having encountered people who, if they hear you have trouble, first respond by asking you, "Are you a Believer?" that there are many Christians who think Believing is an / the answer. It's tied in with Positive Thinking.


One Believer, a spoiled woman, cooed "See how He takes care of Me?"


Tell me. If you pray and pray, is this to acclimate you to your Fate? If prayer never leads you to getting what you want, if the answer is always NO, does that mean you just had a lesson in humility?

Are you the 21st Century's equivalent of a monk who beats his flesh into a bloody mess with a whip? Isn't that the diagnosis of Self Harm?


Or, there are those who say, without empathy for you, when things go wrong, "See !" (God is punishing you because you don't Believe.) They suspect Bad Things only happen to Bad People.


I admire people who Walk their Talk.


In Hinduism there isn't just one way. I see myself as a Karma Yoga person.

More interested in Walk than Talk. More interested in Action. What little I can do.


She yelled, "Don't tell me about the ripple effect."

C 2021