While a Mormon told me I needed to Get God and took me to a party that got a little witchy, a man who self identified as a witch told me I needed to Get The Goddess. Same difference, I thought.
Very basically, in anthropology, Religion is defined as "a way of life."
Anthropology of Religion was a favorite subject of mine in school. A text book for the 101 class was called Conformity and Conflict.
I think it's interesting that Christianity has had such a long run. I'd think that, in their deepest heart of hearts, Jesus' message of Love invigorated people. I wish the spread of Christianity were a long unbloody run, not tied in with politics and power struggles. If Jesus was a pacifist certainly none of the slaughter in his name would have occurred because He would never have approved. (And that includes the war between Catholics and Protestants.) Therefore the history of this Religion in that the followers of Jesus have a war mentality. Listening to the wording "Prince of Peace."
I personally identify with Christianity - Jesus - as a Hindu would, so I think. Because I realize - and this realization became more profound in my recent reengagement - that most Christians wouldn't consider me Christian - I don't call myself "a Believer." (I tried to though. I really tried.)
Jesus as avatar. As enlightened master.
As spiritual explorer in Northern India, learning to heal. Saint Issa.
It seems to me, having encountered people who, if they hear you have trouble, first respond by asking you, "Are you a Believer?" that there are many Christians who think Believing is an / the answer. It's tied in with Positive Thinking.
One Believer, a spoiled woman, cooed "See how He takes care of Me?"
Tell me. If you pray and pray, is this to acclimate you to your Fate? If prayer never leads you to getting what you want, if the answer is always NO, does that mean you just had a lesson in humility?
Are you the 21st Century's equivalent of a monk who beats his flesh into a bloody mess with a whip? Isn't that the diagnosis of Self Harm?
Or, there are those who say, without empathy for you, when things go wrong, "See !" (God is punishing you because you don't Believe.) They suspect Bad Things only happen to Bad People.
I admire people who Walk their Talk.
In Hinduism there isn't just one way. I see myself as a Karma Yoga person.
More interested in Walk than Talk. More interested in Action. What little I can do.
She yelled, "Don't tell me about the ripple effect."
C 2021