

She was so heartbroken when her college fiancĂ©e broke off with her and moved on to another woman, who she called a whore, that she became a case of arrested development.

I've come to think of a first heartbreak as a rite of passage. Except when a person doesn't get past it.

She was a sweet, feminine woman. The type who wore soft pink angora and pearls, a Viking blond, lively blue eyes, fine pink skin, and a pretty smile. 

He had given her a dainty pearl ring. 

Memory can be flawed. I saw the pearl ring. But - a fraternity pin too?

She never dated again. 

Not once.

She became massively and morbidly, overweight. If you are what you eat, a potato chip.

I didn't recognize her.

She barely fit in my car.

She had crushes on soap opera stars. Fantasies. A lifetime of keeping men away with an armor of fat.

She went home from work and ate. Not just potato chips. Meals for two. 

C 2021

Notes: I'm aware that fat is attractive to a subculture. Mostly it's illness.

More Notes: This Isn't a Fat Shaming post. However, if the Shame Game need be applied, let's start with her family who apparently had/have so much phony "unconditional love" that they never staged an intervention to get her into a diet camp or foodie rehab or psychotherapy. It's easy to gain 20 pounds in lockdown. It's not easy to bloom to 300 pounds.