Robert Downey Junior as the hairy guy. Nicole Kidman as the photographer Diane Arbus, 1950's housewife from a rich family, who likes things that scare her. Based on a biography, and suggesting a love story. Lonely wife subplot to her husband, lonely wife from a family rich in the furrier or fashion business, her husband photographer of still maniken - style models. New Line Cinema.
So, I like Robert Downey Junior so much that I will see any film he's in and I did want to see what the make up artists did with him to make him the hairy guy. Now that I was into the film, I found it all so - curious. I was left with more curiosity, because of the last scene in which Diane goes to a nudist camp and must strip down herself to have a conversation with another camper. More skin or fur, you see.
So the theme here is the title "Fur."
And I like the jest of "Portrait" of the "Photographer" and I wondered what was IMAGINARY about the film, or her life, or her work.
I know some poets who have resorted to photography.