I read my first astrology book as a teenager. It was a paperback that I bought in a dime store. I wish I could remember the title and author. The astrologer featured some charts of rock bands and famous musicians. That was a draw. I had that inexpensive paperback till the pages yellowed and dislodged from the glue binding. The most important thing I learned was that other people were potentially very different than me. The second most important thing was how magazine and newspaper "sun sign" astrology was bogus. It's true that such columns are for "fun" or, as some Christians think, an inducement into "the New Age."
In my entire life there was only one column I followed and did so for some years. It was the Rockie Horoscope that featured in the LA Weekly free newspaper. (It was written by a woman named Rockie Gardiner who died on Halloween in 2008. I suspect she knew that was her death date. She was born in 1938.) The newspaper normally came out on a wednesday and figured in planning activities for the weekend and beyond. I got hooked on this sun sign column, which did mention other planetary movements, because it was right on for me three weeks in a row. Well, at least it always gave me something to think about.
Every person is a composite of multiple planetary analysis. It makes more sense to get to know a person by giving a relationship some time. However, once in a rare while I find myself using astrology to understand someone better.
There is something to astrology but to use it pragmatically and effectively one must afford a professional. These days there are a number of free-on-line astrology websites where a person can have their personal charts done and perhaps more fascinating are the compatibility charts. The time of birth is quite important. You can send away for a report too and I did this twice many years ago before the internet, though the reports were likely generated by early computer programs and software. There was a question of daylight savings time or not and though the reports were similar, the calculation of my rising sign was a question. Two different reports - two different rising signs. When I think back on it, I guess I wish I had not sent away for these reports. I think some of what these reports said effected me a bit much. I've lost them so I can't reread them and reassess.
Vedic astrology, which, as it sounds, arose from Hinduism, is a better astrology system than Western in my opinion. Some professional astrologers disagree. I've been told that in India people are unafraid of, and ask, when they will die. Vedic, like Hinduism, seems to be more oriented to fate - karma - reincarnation. While Western seems to be used mostly for the purposes of timing, finding out when it would be best to take a certain action to increase the chances of success and is, therefore, used in a more willful way.
Fate versus Will. The debate goes on.
Pluto, last week entered into a new sign Aquarius, where it will be for the next 19 years. Since the 1950's the question has been when will the Age of Aquarius begin and I think it has just begun with this generational transit. Slowly, it will effect everyone alive. It's up to humans to make the world a better place.
Heres an article from, of all things, Vogue INDIA https://www.vogue.in/content/pluto-is-back-in-aquarius-after-248-years-what-does-this-mean-for-your-zodiac-sign
After moving back into Capricorn in September, the planet will go forwards into near two decades of Aquarius.
And this podcast by two astrologers, Chris Brennan and Nick Dagan Best is a look at history and what happened the last time Pluto was in Aquarius.