

If I don't Believe but I'm still Walking the Walk, does that mean I'm still Christian? Arian Christians were wiped out. They believed in God (the father) but not Jesus as the same as God. There were several takes on what Christianity ought to be. Still are.


Someone I barely knew and last saw in early adulthood but who came back into my life, someone who is surrounded by people who Pray and Believe and who must be at least somewhat aware of my discomfort with churches, asked me to pray for Him - a risky surgery.

I said I would. 

I said to whom ever was listening just outside a church I'd gone to (it was locked up), to say this prayer, "Jesus, your devotee and servant, X... Guide the hands of the surgeon and send in doctors who can accept him as a Christian. (This is not a favor to me.)


Meanwhile, there are those who believe we humans are trapped in a virtual reality, a video game. 

Who made the rules?


A hundred miles, a hundred miles.

C 2021