

MAPLE NUT GOODIES are ARTIFICIALLY FLAVORED which is a "go figure" since they are also made with roasted peanuts in crunchy toffee and there is REAL MAPLE SYRUP involved.  For the last several weeks, especially after a very productive day, I've been treating myself to the small 4 ounce bag of them.



I'm trying to remember how it is that I got addicted to reading DAILY MAIL UK. It's been a while now since I started reading it.  It might have been about the time I was having withdrawal from the end of Art Bell's second or  third incarnation, his long awaited but brief MIDNIGHT IN THE DESERT show. I believe it had to do with trying to read around EDWARD SNOWDEN and JULIAN ASSANGE. These men and those like them are important to the question we need to ask, and that is the role of journalists and journalism in society, in a time of fake news (sorry to say there really is a lot of it) and skepticism. Though sometimes DAILY MAIL UK gets it wrong, more often they get it right and their news breaks across the ocean first, meaning that by the time you get up to listen to KFI and the obnoxiously funny BILL HANDLE well, you will already know what news they are going to be mentioning on the radio as you sit in traffic on the freeway because it sounds to be right out of DAILY MAIL UK!  You know that because you checked when you got up to pee at 3 am.

Currently I barely read about Snowden, who I actually feel has had his Andy Warhol Fifteen Minutes of fame over and over again and will live out his life in Russia. He raised his finger in that ayatollah kind of way and I thought, this is not good!  I suspect Assange and WikiLeaks is going to be story for a long long time, unless he dies, and I think he might.  He's being made an example of. Got to give Snowden credit for years of faithfulness to his pole dancing exhibitionist girlfriend; there's someone for everyone? 

I don't feel so bad about the way I have to hit the DAILY MAIL UK site at least twice a day - sometimes more - sometimes when I wake up in the middle of the night - yesterday every hour - when I hear that it's the second most read news media site in the world. 

I don't know what media site is supposed to be number one. I kind of hope The New York Times. I read the San Jose Mercury News... I read The Guardian... I read Vanity Fair.

I currently make dog poo bags from the LA TIMES though yes, it does have some good coverage.  I hear it's printed with soy based ink and I'm just so eco. I have respect for journalist Steve Lopez there, who I feel sure already has his private island estate in heaven being built by the angels.

LINK HERE TO A JOURNALIST I RESPECT STEVE LOPEZ  He will not quit writing about our housing and homeless crisis.

So, about DAILY MAIL UK; I know some of you are disappointed in me for this, but I'm not alone in making my way past the Kardashians, who I knew nothing about when I started reading it, and so many other desperate-for-attention women showing off their bodies in swim suits, if you can identify these strained patches of fabric as such, who take pouty selfies of themselves using mirrors to look down their own pants, to some terrific coverage of what we used to call HARD NEWS, such as the hideous Jeffery Epstein Sex Trafficking scandal. And the Miley Cyrus scandal, a trivial bisexual fling of a scandal which, when it comes right down to it, has not an iota of impact compared to what the now dead sex addict Epstein's scandal will.

I really CAN be LITERARY and also be into POP CULTURE.

DAILY MAIL UK also promises daily coverage of VIOLENCE, from gross pimple popper videos to mass shootings, mothers who put babies they just gave birth to in dumpsters and people who put their dogs in freezers, innocent people wrongly convicted and criminals running free, boating and helicopter accidents, riots in front of movie theaters and more seriously in Hong Kong, wackos gone crazy and crazies gone wacko, every form of violence.  

I don't want to be ill informed or ignorant.  
I want to understand. 
I feel stress.
I am anxious.
I feel overloaded.
It feels hopeless.


Can the Republicans find ANYONE to run against TRUMP?  Can the Democrats who refused to eat some form of Pig in IOWA or who actually do not have a realistic PLAN for how this Reparations thing will work (I suggest national DNA tests) please step out of the race for the Presidency. 

Go Bernie Go!

Sometimes I feel like imploding or exploding.

You might too.

Just don't do it all over my blog.

C 2019  Christine Trzyna  All Rights Reserved.  Internet and International Rights Included.