

The Bag Lady Papers
the priceless experience of losing it all
a true story
by Alexandra Penney C 2010 (Just now on my library's New Book Shelf!)
Voice Hyperion Publishers

Alexandra Penny lost it "all" except she didn't.  She remains living in a house and simply has had to budget down to where most of us would feel lucky to be, subbing ordered in pizza (along with good liquor) for a dinner party, for instance, having to stay at less than exclusive but still very good motels, putting a small investment house in Florida on the market for sale.

Bernie Madoff lost "nearly everything" she had invested with him (though it was in an IRA and in the end we don't know if that category and her old age was saved or not.) So this was not money she was trying to live on in the present.

PENNEY NEVER ACTUALLY BECAME A BAG LADY, she just feared becoming so, perhaps foolishly. The Greeks did think that tragedy only happened to those in high places because of the long fall. The shocks of life for the common person were merely to be expected and endured. So perhaps this is about Penney's sudden inability to live stylishly.

Because it's understood that Bernie did a whole lot of people in with his Ponzi Scheme gone wrong, IT WAS NOT HER FAULT. So she gets sympathy, not criticism, and help from a long list of friends who seem to also have been as well to do as she was and is. Not that Penney isn't intelligent, educated, or willing to work. She's published other books and been involved in magazine production and editing, is formerly of SELF Magazine. She is now also an artist with gallery representation.

How many people have a friend pay them to blog and even provide them some help to do just that for starters shortly after they admit they must again work for a living?

Yes, she experienced a crisis, but with respect to the real BAG LADIES of this world, she has never experienced anything close to homelessness. Probably there are more rich ladies reading books these days than homeless ones.

C Christine Trzyna 2011 All Rights Reserved including Internet and International Rights