
HATING WOMEN by SHMULEY BOTEACH American's Hostile Campaign Against the Fairer Sex

American's Hostile Campaign Against The Fairer Sex
10 Regan Books an Imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers

Schmuley Boteach sounds like a feminist, or at least that's the best way I can categorize his Jewish-religious based POV that women need to be respected and the hell with pornography and adultery and all those things that degrade women. He hates what Madonna and Donald Trump have done to American morals so much that he refers to them repeatedly.
CT's O
pinion: Where does erotica end and pornography begin? When did women agreeing to be victimized as porn stars become "Positive Sex Feminism?"

page 33 in Chapter Without Ladies, There Cannot Be Gentlemen

"In 2004, the biggest-selling relationships book in the United States was coauthored by a man and a woman, both of whom were screenwriters for "Sex and The City." The book is called "He's Just Not That into You," and its premise is that a man who treats a woman poorly does not have a real character flaw, but rather, "he's just not that into her." The book tells women to stop blaming men for being jerks, and just accept that they have a right not to like any specific woman that much: If he doesn't like you, move on and enjoy life. Amazing, isn't it? A book that says if men treat women like garbage, it is because, essentially, they are just not hot enough. So we have come full circle. Rather than asking men to take responsibility for their selfish behavior towards women and finally become gentlemen, we are telling women that they empower themselves by being honest enough to admit that, when men dump with barely an explanation, it is because in the men's eyes they are no great catch...

CT's opinion: I read "He's Just Not That Into You," and while I believe it counsels women to be strong and not accept bad boy behavior from men they are having romantic-sexual liaisons with, I don't believe it's an excuseology for men to be selfish or to victimize women.
Page 183

"The cleaning woman mentality leads directly to husbands having empty sex with their wives, with no sense of reverence and with no sense of awe. When a man makes love to his wife but thinks about another woman, then climaxes and climbs off his wife, he has treated her like an available whore who is there to satisfy his needs.

Page 296

"Let me explain just why pornography is so nefarious. Far from being a healthy outlet for raging hormones, pornography is a cancerous proclivity that slowly undermines healthy relationships. On a basic level, excessive viewing exposure to nude, female bodies contributes to the penchant of men to think about other women while making love to their wives. In fact, 84 % of men admit to doing just that (and they're dumb enough to believe that their wives don't notice.) We can even go so far as to say that once you bring another woman into your bed. even if only mentally, you are practicing a form of mental decapitation and merely using your wife's body for friction, replacing her head, her essence, with the images of another woman. The Torah, which is very concerned with fostering the mental and emotional intimacy that physical intimacy is meant to promote, actually calls men to task by deeming it a prohibition to fantasize about other women while being with one's wife....