

 Will I dance tonight?

When I woke up tired, woke again under a hot shower, put on a dress, forgot my comb, rushed to the bus, crushed my clothes, listened with earphones to Anderson Paak, dissed the younger man who has a crush on me because he won't tell me how old he is - by text, had a free cup of coffee, said good morning to five people I passed in the hall even though it does not feel like a good morning to me, swore a banana would be all I'll eat for lunch, was misunderstood, peed out belly fat busting vitamins, hunched over on the computer, charged my phone, thought about the question a woman who is too curious asked me:

"If I didn't know better I would think you were out and about with a boyfriend." she said.

"No boyfriend." I said.

What business is it of hers? 

Trying to be girly-girl friends. 

"No. Not me!" I said.

"You know how rumors start," I said.  She thought for a moment about that one.

I wore a dress.  I almost never wear a dress.  But it's summer.  Officially.  Past Memorial Day. It is an old dress I can't remember buying, my best dress, an eternal dress, floral by Ralph Lauren. And there is a dance tonight. And I'm going and it's nobody's business but mine.

A dinner dance.  I signed up by scanning. I'm thinking of the songs I would play if I were the DJ. I'm hoping the music won't be too dreary.  I hope it won't be people sitting around the perimeter, up against the walls, watching other people dance.  

I hope everyone makes a fool of themselves.

That's the difference between then and now.

I'm much more willing to make a fool of myself now.

And let other people take me or leave me.

So maybe, someone might ask me to dance and I'll say no.

Or maybe I'll walk over to someone and say, "Can I have this dance?" and it will be a slow song and he will be the only one I think of as My Sweet Prince.

C 2024 Christine Trzyna






Choose a food or ingredient you despise or a favorite and write all about it. Or imagine a food you've never tasted or swallowed or digested, and write with imagination about what it might be like to experience eating it!

(I personally do not understand what anyone gets out of eating hot peppers.)

Christine Trzyna

This exercise is part of a series of writing exercises and to bring up the whole series use the tag Christine Trzyna Writing Workshop. 

C 2018-2025  Christine Trzyna 
All Rights Reserved including Internet and International Rights
OK to use this post in not for profit situations. Please credit me. Send me love.  It's karma.




Where's your dog?

She died.

Oh, the sweet dog!

See, I put her pictures on my phone.  She was almost fifteen.  She died in her own bed.

When I was growing up, I had a way with animals.  But I was mean to my cat when I was eight. I put it in a metal pan with lots of you know - suds - and washed it all up.  It scratched up the metal pan.  That sound.

It was punishing you for washing it with all those suds.


But my father  - in my country - he had - what would you say? - a way with the animals.  He had a horse and when it was pregnant, he wouldn't ride it.  His friends made fun of him.  Why won't you ride your horse?  And he would say "because she is pregnant."

Are you saying your father could communicate with the animals?

A way with the animals.  Are you going to get another dog?

Not now.  Not now.

C 2024 Christine Trzyna BlogSpot
